Friday, August 31, 2012

書摘(Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum)

Try not to be so busy trying to help your daughter that you forget to enjoy her. Your daughter needs to know she makes you happy. This is her only childhood, whether she has special needs or not. It flies by way too fast, and you will long for it when she grow older.
---Eileen Riley-Hall

(試著不要光只是忙著幫妳女兒一把, 而忘了享受因為她而有的喜悅. 妳的女兒必需知道自己是能夠讓妳快樂的.
這是她唯一一次的童年, 不論她是不是特殊兒.
而童年消逝的實在太快, 當她長大後, 妳必定會珍惜且渴望著這段無法重來的時光.)

Thursday, August 23, 2012


五年前, 我開始參加ICDL年會時, 這兩個研究者(Stuart Shanker, Jim Stieben)對DIR/地板時間的研究, 才剛開始.